Thoughts on Blogging

The paragraphs below were written before COVID-19 arrived on our doorsteps. During my self-isolation, daily writing has helped me cope (along with reaching out to loved ones via phone, email, text, and Zoom—I’m grateful we live in an era that gives us these options). I hope all of you writers out there are finding that same comfort. Stay safe and well, everyone.

My first thought about blogging was, well, this is scary. Now I have to come up with something. That isn’t always easy, especially when you’re a fiction writer like I am and it’s time to write an essay instead. I think that’s why I’ve chosen to write about writer’s block first, because a lot of us encounter it. (See my “Writer’s Block” blogs.)

During the last twenty years, I've edited well over 100 novels. Besides being given the chance to read many wonderful stories, one of my joys has been writing about writing in constructive critiques for my clients. This blog gives me an opportunity to do that again, to ruminate on the writing life, the writing process, and the craft of writing.

I’ll probably never write more than a few paragraphs in a blog. After that, I’ll welcome hearing from other writers about their own experiences and ideas related to writing.

Writer's Block